Vinisce (43o29,1' N - 16o07,2' E) - port & anchorage

Vinisce is a large inlet 2NM W of Rt Jelinak. It cuts deeply into the mainland coast to the N of island Drvenik Veli. The inlet provides good all-around shelter. There is a bare rock, Hrid Vinisce, which is only 3m high, lying 300m SE of Rt Artatur, the S headland at the entrance to Vinisce bay. The rock can be difficult to distinguish from the stony background of the mainland shore. Apart from this off lying rock there are no other dangers in the immediate approach, and entry is straightforward.
LIGHTS: FL.R.3s8m4M at the Rt Artatur
BERTH: Within the bay anchor either at the far end or near the NE shore where there are a few houses and a pier. The holding is good (mud), but in a BURA take lines ashore for added security. It may be possible to tie up alongside the pier, but there is little room. Facilities ashore are limited to a small general grocery store and restaurant.
Nautical maps shown here are for information use only. Do not use it for navigation purposes.

Alle Boote mit der Absicht an der Hafenpromenade von Trogir anzulegen, haben dies dem Büro des Hafenkapitäns mitzuteilen und dies bis spätestens einen Tag vor der Ankunft.
Kontakt: Telefonisch oder per Fax:
+385/21 88 15 08
VHF Kanäle: 10 & 16
NAUTIC PILOT Marinas und Ankerplätze in der Region um Trogir:
Drvenik Veli,
Okrug Gornji,
Vela Rina,