(marinated beef with noodles)

INGREDIENTS: 750 g lean beef without bones - smoked bacon - some cloves - 3 garlic cloves - vinegar - flour - 2 tbs. grease - 1 onion - broth of water 1 tsp. tomato paste - 1 glass of "Prosek" (desert wine) or red wine - 1-2 sugar cubes - salt and pepper
Wash the beef (use only leg parts) and lard it with pieces of smoked beacon, some clove, and garlic (tiny sliced). Evenly marinate the meat for one night or one day in vinegar (turning several times). Next take the meat from the marinade, drain well, and coat in flour. Separately hat two tbs. of grease, and add the meat and the whole onions. Brown the meat on all sides adding the water/broth little by little and let stew, covered. Stir in tomato paste. Next add 1 glass of Prosek or good red wine, and add 1-2 sugar cubes simmering for 3 hours over low heat until the meat is tender and can be cut into thin slices. Pass the sauce through a sieve, and add salt and pepper to taste, and pour over the meat, simmering another half hour over light heat. Serve with pasta and grated cheese.
Dalmatian brodetto

INGREDIENTS: 1 kg various fish (rock-fish, sea-bass, conger-ell, tuna-fish, etc.), 1/8L olive oil, 1 onion, parsley, salt, pepper, several fresh tomatoes, 1 tea spoonful tomato juice, vinegar The best brodetto is made using assorted fish of various kinds, e.g. rock-fish, dent-fish, sea-bass, dory, congercel and tuna. Cut the bigger fish into slices, leaving the smaller ones whole. Use 1/8l of olive oil per kilo. Fry a dropped onion in oil, add fish and fry it a while, adding chopped garlic and parsley. Put in some salt and pepper and 1 tea spoonful of concentrate tomato juice and, depending on the season, some sliced fresh tomatoes. Cover the fish with water and let it boil before adding the vinegar. Cook for 1-1, 5 hours, letting it simmer over a low fire. Do not stir - shake the casserole gently instead so that the ingredients should remain in layers in the same order they have been added. Brodetto is best served with boiled maize-flour (corn meal), rice or spaghetti (pasta).
Rafioli cake

INGREDIENTS: 750 g of flower, 6 eggs, 2 spoons of sugar, salt, 220 g of butter, milk if necessary. For the stuffing: 500 g of almonds, 5 eggs, powder cinnamon, a little nutmeg, 500 g of sugar, 2 spoons of rum, maraschino or brandy, grated lemon core, 1 piece of chocolate, 2 spoons of butter. Take 750 g of flower, 4 eggs, 2 egg yolk, 2 spoons of sugar, salt, 220 g of butter, milk if needed, and beat well and roll into a thin layer and fill with the following stuffing: 500 g unpeeled, roasted and ground almonds, 3 whole eggs, whipped whites of 2 eggs, a little powder cinnamon, little nutmeg, 500 g of sugar, 2 spoons of rum, maraschino cherry or brandy, grated lemon core, 1 piece of grated chocolate and 2 spoons of butter. Ravioli is cut, stuffed and baked on a temperate fire. It is customary to make large ravioli, which they coat with raw white sugar.
Rozata pudding

INGREDIENTS: 6 eggs - 6tbs. sugar - 1L milk - grated lemon rind - 1 tbs. Maraschino or rum - vanilla, sugar - 14 sugar cubes Beat all of the eggs with 6 tbs. sugar and milk, adding lemon rind, maraschino (rum) and vanilla sugar. In a separate pot caramelize the sugar cubes and pour them into an oven safe pudding form before adding the pudding mixture. In a second pot bring enough water to reach up to over the halfway point of the form to a boil and put the filled pudding form into s water bath. Cook for 45 min. in the water bath, and before the Rozata is finished cook it for 15 minutes in its form at 180-200 C. After cooling off, carefully turn the Rozata over onto a plate and serve. In summer, refrigerate before serving.